A legal UKAHFT kneeler can be described in two areas:
1) Contact with the ground.
Supported Kneeling shots
Un-supported Kneeling Shots
The following are examples of legal & illegal UKAHFT kneeling positions, with explanations (Hover over the images for descriptions):
1) Contact with the ground.
- The kneeling position is defined as only 3 points of contact with the ground (2 feet & 1 knee).The rear foot shall be upright and straight in line with the knee, sitting on a turned foot is not allowed. A bean bag may be used to support the knee, shin or foot area only.
- Under no circumstances can the beanbag be used to support the buttocks.
- The leading leg cannot be pulled back so the calf is supported by the hamstrings or lower buttocks, this is classed as a crouching shot & is not allowed.
- The rifle can only be supported by the hands with the rifle butt in the shoulder.
- The hands themselves cannot be supported on any part of the body.
- For a standard kneeling position - the leading hand should be forward of the knee, the hand cannot be dropped to allow the wrist joint, arm or any other part of the body to support the rifle or hand, to illustrate this the supporting hand should be dropped down vertically, if it contacts with any part of the knee/leg the supporting hand is deemed too far back & therefore not forward of the knee.
- For a reverse kneeling position - the rear hand should either be forward of the knee if the forearm is supported on the raised leg or clearly raised above the leg if the elbow is supported on the raised leg
Supported Kneeling shots
- As long as the above two rules are followed & the trigger is behind the peg/firing line then any part of the body or rifle may be rested on the support, so the same three point position must be maintained & the only parts of the body allowed to support the rifle are the hands & shoulder.
Un-supported Kneeling Shots
- These pegs will be designated by a 4” peg rather than the standard 12” pegs, for these shots only the foot/lower leg may be toughing the peg when the shot is taken, you cannot support the rifle or any other part of the body on the peg.
The following are examples of legal & illegal UKAHFT kneeling positions, with explanations (Hover over the images for descriptions):