HFT Resources
These are resources provided and shared by the HFT community. UKAHFT takes no credit or responsibility for these.
Many thanks to the contributors. Please feel free to use them or contribute more by contacting us.
Many thanks to the contributors. Please feel free to use them or contribute more by contacting us.
Series tables contributed by John Fleming
Excel Spreadsheet |
This is the league template I have been working on for Alba League. Split into classes for calculating 100% by class or use first page and select class calculates max 100% from scores, Gives rolling best in this case 6 from 9, shoot count per shooter and lowest scores.
As it is read only, you cannot see the formulas. Save it and open in excel or save it to your onedrive and you will be able to see the cells that do the calculating. There are several IF statements in it to sort dividing by zero errors. It's really quite clever. Any suggestions to improve it would be appreciated. One of my things to do is to get it to auto calculate team scores (or manufacturers) but its a wee bit difficult. If anyone susses that out let me know.
As it is read only, you cannot see the formulas. Save it and open in excel or save it to your onedrive and you will be able to see the cells that do the calculating. There are several IF statements in it to sort dividing by zero errors. It's really quite clever. Any suggestions to improve it would be appreciated. One of my things to do is to get it to auto calculate team scores (or manufacturers) but its a wee bit difficult. If anyone susses that out let me know.